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0x00 about


本文针对"Use github and jekyll start github pages"文中的更新脚本作最终修改,原文链接如下


0x01 更新最终博客更新脚本指令如下

a>bash脚本 up.sh

if [ -d /root/myblog ] && [ -d /root/3xp10it.github.io ]
    cd /root/myblog && pkill jekyll;sleep 3 && cp index.html tmp.html && cp index_bak.html index.html && sh -c "rm -r _site/ & jekyll serve --watch & sleep 3 && exit" && cp _site/index.html index2.html && cp tmp.html index.html && echo congratulations! commands execute ok to here!
    cd /root/3xp10it.github.io && cp -r ../myblog/_site/* . && cp ../myblog/index2.html . && cp ../myblog/index.html . && git status && git add . && git status && git commit -a -m "update" && git push -u origin master && echo congratulations! commands execute ok to here!
    cd /root/myblog && git status && git add . && git status && git commit -a -m "update backup" && git push -u origin master && echo all is well,and all is done!
    echo "this is the first time you use me,I will download myblog from https://github.com/3xp10it/myblog.git"
    mkdir /root/myblog && cd /root/myblog && git init && git pull https://github.com/3xp10it/myblog.git && git remote add origin https://github.com/3xp10it/myblog.git
    echo "this is the first time you use me,I will download 3xp10it.github.io from https://github.com/3xp10it/3xp10it.github.io.git"
    mkdir /root/3xp10it.github.io && cd /root/3xp10it.github.io && git init && git pull https://github.com/3xp10it/3xp10it.github.io.git && git remote add origin https://github.com/3xp10it/3xp10it.github.io.git

b>python脚本 up.py

import os
if os.path.exists('/root/myblog') is False and os.path.exists('/root/3xp10it.github.io') is False:
    print "this is the first time you use me,I will download myblog from https://github.com/3xp10it/myblog.git"
    os.system("mkdir /root/myblog && cd /root/myblog && git init && git pull https://github.com/3xp10it/myblog.git && git remote add origin https://github.com/3xp10it/myblog.git")
    print "this is the first time you use me,I will download 3xp10it.github.io from https://github.com/3xp10it/3xp10it.github.io.git"
    os.system("mkdir /root/3xp10it.github.io && cd /root/3xp10it.github.io && git init && git pull https://github.com/3xp10it/3xp10it.github.io.git && git remote add origin https://github.com/3xp10it/3xp10it.github.io.git")
    os.system('''cd /root/myblog && pkill jekyll;sleep 3 && cp index.html tmp.html && cp index_bak.html index.html && sh -c "rm -r _site/ & jekyll serve --watch & sleep 3 && exit" && cp _site/index.html index2.html && cp tmp.html index.html && echo congratulations! commands execute ok to here!''')
    os.system('''cd /root/3xp10it.github.io && cp -r ../myblog/_site/* . && cp ../myblog/index2.html . && cp ../myblog/index.html . && git status && git add . && git status && git commit -a -m "update" && git push -u origin master && echo congratulations! commands execute ok to here!''')
    os.system('''cd /root/myblog && git status && git add . && git status && git commit -a -m "update backup" && git push -u origin master && echo all is well,and all is done!''')

0x02 attention

cd /root/3xp10it.github.io && cp -r ../myblog/_site/* . && cp ../myblog/index2.html . && cp ../myblog/index.html . && git status && git add . && git status && git commit -a -m "update" && git push -u origin master && echo congratulations! commands execute ok to here!

cd /root/3xp10it.github.io && cp -r ../myblog/_site/* . && git status && git add . && git status && git commit -a -m "update" && git push -u origin master && echo congratulations! commands execute ok to here!
其中的"cp -r ../myblog/_site/* ."有问题,因为/root/myblog/_site目录下面对应的index.html为本地jekyll --serve生成的正常的主页,而我需要将最终的主页内嵌这个正常的主页和播放音乐页面,所以需要在执行完cp -r ../myblog/_site/* .后再多两条命令:

cp ../myblog/index2.html .
cp ../myblog/index.html .


cd /root/myblog && pkill jekyll;sleep 3 && cp index.html tmp.html && cp index_bak.html index.html && sh -c "rm -r _site/ & jekyll serve --watch & sleep 3 && exit" && cp _site/index.html index2.html && cp tmp.html index.html && echo congratulations! commands execute ok to here!

本地/root/myblog对应github远程的myblog,本地的127.0.0.1:4000对应的是本地/root/myblog目录由本地执行jekyll --serve产生的网页效果
本地/root/3xp10it.github.io对应github远程的3xp10it.github.io,http://3xp10it.github.io对应的是github远程3xp10it.github.io由github服务器jekyll --serve产生的网页效果

vi ~/.bashrc
+alias upa="python /usr/share/up.py"
vi ~/.zshrc
+alias upa="sh /usr/shrae/up.sh"
jekyll, github, shell